Featured Project

Reflash Campaign
in Mexico

An OEM discovered that more than 30,000 of its vehicles produced at facilities in Mexico unexpectedly needed software reflashing.

More than $1.5 billion worth of inventory was just sitting around. Within just 32 days, Movimento had reflashed 30,625 vehicles over two sites spread 250 miles apart.

This reflash campaign provided immense value for our OEM customer, who was prevented from delivering their inventory until their vehicles had been reflashed.

On an emergency campaign, Movimento was able to complete the entire project in roughly one month, reflashing up to 1,400 vehicles per day. The customer reported that they saved over one million dollars compared with their estimated cost of completing the project in-house.

We are very proud of our team's work on this project.

Project Manager
Mexico Reflash Project

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Whether you’re interested in our hardware or in need of flash or reflash services, tell us about your project needs and we’ll show you how we can help.